
Social Media & Alerts Information

You can subscribe to text alerts from Remind and  follow the Patrick Henry School District via the following social media:

Text Alerts

Patrick Henry uses Remind for text alerts to send out general information (including calamity day notices). Directions to enroll are below.
High School - text @phpats to 81010
Middle School - text @phmspats to 81010
Elementary - text @phkthru4 to 81010


District - PatrickHenryLocal
High School - patrickhenryhighschool
Middle School - PHMiddleSchool
Elementary - PHelementary
H.S. Athletics - phathletics1
PH Music - patrickhenrymusic


Elementary - @PH_Elementary
High School - @PHPatriotsHS
Middle School - @PHMiddleSchool
H.S. Athletics - @ph_patriots1
Superintendent (Josh Biederstedt) - @phls_supt
Cafeteria - @PhCafeteria
Music Department - @PHBandChoir