Registration for Next School Year
Returning Parents and Student:
Please update and sign FinalForms by the end of May.
Login and use blue "Click to Switch to 2023-24 Registration" button to update and sign.

All Opened Enrolled Students (students who do not reside in the PH district):
Please fill out the open enrollment form online by 7/31/2024

All links are also available on the registration page of the website:


District iCals

If you want to setup your iCal calendar, you can use the links below to download the ical (ics file) and import it into your device calendar. Consult your device information for specific information regarding how to import icals.

School Calendars
District Calendar
Music Department

Athletic Calendars
HS Athletics
MS Athletics

Cafeteria Calendars
Cafeteria Red Line
Cafeteria Blue Line
Cafeteria Breakfast Line

iCal FAQs

What is an iCal and why would someone want to use them?
iCal is the standard internet format for exchanging calendar information. With an iCal, you can share or subscribe to the calendars of others. Many common calendar applications work with iCal including Google and Apple. Microsoft Outlook can also work with iCal but to a limited extent. iCal files are usually .ics, .ical, .ifb, and .icalendar. Below are the iCals for each of our popular district calendars that you can subscribe to within your own personal digital calendar. Many times, you can add these calendars by "importing" or "subscribing" and providing the text link for the calendar. For instructions on subscribing to an iCal, you will need to consult your own device or software documentation.

By subscribing to any of our district iCals, you can stay up-to-date with scheduling information as we have it. You can also setup notifications for events you are interested in from within your calendar application. Please bear with us while we continue to make adjustments to how we can inform and post information simultaneously. We are somewhat new to iCals and are still putting our systems in place to make sure they are updated regularly. We expect hiccups throughout the process.